Open Sesame
Photo by Liz Birnbaum, The Curated Feast
On this mystical Harvest moon, the full moon in Aries, we commit to walking through new doors. I feel like I’ve already lept head-first into this confident energy: I’m currently driving to Santa Fe, NM on the first leg of an epic, unfolding as-I-go road trip.
According to tradition, the extra illumination of this autumnal moon made it easier for farmers to gather their harvest-season crops. 🌕 What does this full moon illuminate for you? What doors have been unlocked?
This moon also reminds me of the full brightness of CHOICE. The power behind saying, “yes, I believe in this”, then walking, running, or dancing towards it.
We must VOTE towards it too.
Acknowledgement: This photo was taken in Big Sur, California on the ancestral land of the Esselen Tribe. A land acknowledgement is just one small piece of respecting those who have continuously lived upon this land since time immemorial.