Photo by Liz Birnbaum, The Curated Feast
“Human beings are works in progress that mistakenly think they’re finished.” –Daniel Gilbert
Life has thrown us one giant curveball after another this year. Has it been challenging? Yep. Disorienting? You bet. But despite all that, we’re on board. We’re ready for this reckoning.
Compost represents the kind of transformation we’re orienting our eyes and hearts toward: regenerative, nourishing, and—a lot of the time—a bit messy. In order to evolve, compost must be tended to. It must generate HEAT. It also has to breathe, break down, rest, and digest.
Just like the onset of a global pandemic exposed the many inequities in our society, the renewed energy of the Black Lives Matter movement is highlighting places where just about every social system in our country has denied “justice for all.” The work required for racial equity and liberation is real, tangible, every-day work. It isn’t comfortable, it isn’t easy, but it is URGENT. This is a cycle of undoing, redoing, deep examination, rebirth.
Microcosmically, big changes abound for The Curated Feast! We have a brand new office space, changes in our current client portfolio, and an exciting opportunity to clarify and re-envision our deeper purpose as a company. We’re orienting around anti-racist work, feminist-guided principles, and compassion-focused initiatives. You might start to see some changes in the way we do things around here.
In the hectic day-to-day, it’s so easy to forget that each moment is ripe with transformative POWER. Compost reminds us that destruction inspires new life. It dissolves and renews. Let us each carefully and lovingly tend to ourselves and one another this season of change. Let us remember there is a new glorious garden we can plant together in the future.
Photo taken at @ucsccasfs for @tenspeedpress and @fruittreesforeverygarden