A Vintage in Time
Photo by Liz Birnbaum, The Curated Feast
Each vintage is a bottled moment in time. It captures a season and a place. With wine, you get to taste that when you pop the cork.
And since we're just past the autumnal equinox, maybe you can also taste Oschophoria, an Ancient Greek fall festival to celebrate the harvesting of grapes for wine in honor of Dionysus, the god of the vine. This equinox, when the sun crosses the celestial equator from north to south, is known by some as Mabon, a celebration of the second harvest season. This is the time to gather the bounty of the fields, the orchards and the gardens, and bring it in for storage. Or for fermenting and bottling, in this case.
If you want to explore the history of a time and a place, come join us at @bigbasinvineyards on October 13 or 14 for a wonderful Feast. Ticket link in bio! Tickets are going fast, folks!
Thank you @madsonwinery for inviting us capture this moment and vintage.